


Effective Communication and Influencing skills

 (1 day Programme)


Programme Objectives


By the end of the programme you will be able to:

· Work with people differences to communicate better with others

· Build more effective communication skills and create team synergy

· Increase your influence in communication,persuade others with 5 steps skills

· Deploy your personal strengths and manage your pitfalls

· Communicate more effectively by choosing an appropriate style



Session 1: Effective communication

1. Ice-breaking exercise

2. Listening skills: Principles\ Techniques

3. Questioning and challenging skills

4. Expressing skills: KISS Model

5. IIU Constructive Feedback model

Game On metro &Video case study

Learning points:

· Proactively listening to identify peoples real needs

· Probing questions help you set up the comprehensive understanding to the peoples behavior while challenging questions help people build self-awareness

· Ground rule for expression: Concise,

Accurate, and Direct to the point

· Practice IIU feedback model and acquire effective feedback skills


Tea break


Session 2: persuade and influence others

1. Influencing strategies: Push and Pull

2. Exercise :5 Steps Model for Pull

3. Business scenario for practicing Pull strategy

4. work on your own case – how you can influence

Video case study

Learning points:

· You need to motivate and influence your team members by applying Push or Pull appropriately

· Pull is an excellent method for getting alongside team members and dealing with their change issues individually;



Lunch & Tea break


Session 3: Use influential power to lead different Personality Types  

1. DISC Splitting exercises

Observe people differences

2. Identify your personality type

3. Identify your strengths and pitfalls

4. Explore the differences

5. Value diversity and influence different types

Case study & brain storm

Learning points:

· People have different gifts and pitfalls referred to as personality Type;

· You can create synergy with others - by understanding their differences and working with them;

· Being successful comes in accepting your strengths and weaknesses - and managing them to maximum effect in life and work;

· build better relationships by appreciating the value which different people add to your team.


Tea break


Session 4: Communicating Effectively to reinforce cross-functional cooperation

1. Team work: communicate and cooperate with other functions

2. 5 step cross-functional communication process

3. Win-win matrix (exercise)

4. Creating your Team Development Plan


Learning points:


· People fail to get your meaning if you are not on their wavelength;

· It takes effort to use ideas and language which are different to your usual;

· Use a knowledge of Type to “press the right buttons”.

· Use 5 step model to solve cross-functional problem

· The best way to get what you want is to give counterparts what they want






Grace Profile



    Grace. Zhang (张瑞阳老师)


LEA 360™ certified

MBTI® Steps I and II certified

SPA™ Sales assessment certified

Miller Heiman Strategic Selling certified

Miller Heiman Conceptual Selling certified

Miller Heiman Large Account Managemetn certified




Grace is a prominent leadership、sales & marketing and training professional. 


Over the past 20 years Grace has built up extensive global experience in the technology sector. She had worked with Compaq、Siemens、GE、Kaba and held positions as Channel Sales Manager, Marketing Director and China Regional Manager. 


During this period she received the GE Security Leadership Award for her achievements in management and sales.


Since 2007 Grace has pursued a consulting career in leadership、marketing & sales and business development. Her specialist areas include leadership、sales & marketing and coaching for senior sales managers, mostly of her customers are Top 500 MNCs.


Grace is a well-known leadership trainer with a warm and engaging style. She has strong communication and interpersonal skills and has developed the participative management style used in international companies operating in China.


Grace gained her MBA (Marketing) at the prestigious University of Liverpool. She is a Certified Psychological Consultant with the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (PRC).


In addition, Grace is also a certified Miller Heiman Sales Program trainer, as well as SPA™、 LEA360™ and MBTI® Steps I and II certified.


Grace has provided leadership & Marketing training for below MNCs in recent years: Philips、Amazon、SG、Vopak、Leeds Elsevier、Aramark、Knorr-brese、Roche、

GE、KABA、Spirent、EXFO、TUV、HBM、Eaton、Microchip、Satorius 、HBM、NKT、Medtronic、DSM、KPMG、HeimanMiller、MTS Sensors, Milliken,Microban、Irobot,

Cyntec、leoni、Unigroup、Micromeritics Instrument